Synthesis of Art and Religion: School Of Smirk, Video Lectures
Attending The School and The S.O.S. Intensive Retreat
Introductions to S.O.S. and My Teachings
Bach Book
The Writing
Freddy Expresso: The Message as Music
Sigma Symbol Shop
Audio Recordings (Student Resource)
The Notebooks (Student Resource)
Savings Essays (Student Resource)
Etsi Einai!
Daniel is a professional musician, teacher, lecturer, composer, producer, writer and dance accompanist. Daniel’s experience in interdisciplinary arts and enthusiasm for the metaphysical information passed by creations of all God-systems, spiritualities, philosophies, science, and modern psychology has led to an interest in synthesizing Art and Religion in ways comprehensible and usable for all people.
It would be his pleasure to guide and explain: Daniel teaches via phone, video-call, in-person, in seminar, and at the S O S Retreat.
Note: Each category of ‘Work’, itself a particular medium/media for passing Daniel’s teachings, contains but a few examples and/or excerpts from much larger collections -hundreds of works, in most cases-, and ongoing processes. Students both study and use as supplemental material the full catalogue of Daniel’s work; even entering into his processes of creation.