The Notebooks

Daniel writes his ideas, inspiration, wisdom found, and nourishing meaning received from a degree of interaction with the specificities of the approachable mundane that reflects having reconciled the metaphysical message he passes; an awareness that there is a limitlessness in the specific, Infinite potential in the irrefutably particular. He writes into A-5 Notebooks in black pen these thoughts addressing every aspect of the World, Self, Species, and Universe. These are the thoughts that come to him while walking through the woods, hovered over the sink, playing piano, while caring for pets, or upon waking. The Notebooks are always at Daniel’s fingertips…and so include and document information regarding every facet of a life-experience integrally linked to artistic process, and metaphysical development. It is the immediate recording of Unique Light appearing as prose pertaining to the sources, reflections, effects, manifestations, implications, nature, and means of comprehension/application of his concepts, as they invariably gain additional truth -preserved here daily, and as they arise- by interaction with an Infinite plexus of relationships ever-changing called the present. There are over 110 of these ~20-300 page hand-written collections. Click on an image below to see excerpts from notebooks mentioned in the picture’s caption.

“The Notebooks” are offered as supplementary and inciting didactic material to current students, retreat attendees, and those in lectures and online-lessons with Daniel. Each Notebook and/or excerpt is hand-picked for purposes particular to the student’s unique learning phase, tendency, interest, subject, and process.

Those presented here are but a few selected from many, granting potential students a glimpse into the nature of these collections. Selections were potentially written years apart and as distinct phases of larger processes. As such, development, refinement, definition, terminology, and function/meaning/value regarding a given subject/theme may vary in the extreme.

A single Notebook can include written information of every style, subject, form, scope, and type. From advice, to proverb, transcription, song-writing, translation, essay, brain-storming, interpretation of the ancient and contemporary, hermeneutics, analysis, commentary, criticism, task-assignment/list-making, concepts, poems, meta-data, proclamations, proposals, reminders, experiments, attempts at articulation, things noticed, dreams considered, processes revealed, discoveries, instances of interconnectedness, meaningful or relevant experiences, improvisation, prose, story-telling, project-notes, and much, much more.


Audio Recordings (Student Resource)


Savings Essays (Student Resource)