Discover that you already know a second language! Etsi Enay teaches you to identify the hundreds of Greek words you already know…all you need now is to be shown that you know them. Jumpstart your learning of a second-language, and add meaning to your mother-tongue by discovering the messages hidden in the word-construction of this longest-documented root-language of the languages (like our own) which came after it.
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“Etsi Einai!”, means, “That’s how it is!”, in Greek. In this program, we start by teaching modern English speakers the many hundreds of words they already know, and simply don't yet recognize as being Greek vocabulary they already possess! There are a slew of words in Modern English which are directly, phonetically, and literally taken from older languages like Greek. The modern English speaker knows them, knows what they mean, knows how they are spelled, and how to use them in a sentence; all they need now is to be told this additional significance: They're part of your 'built in' vocabulary in a second language!
It’s suddenly realizing we have a two-hundred word head-start on a language's vocabulary that inspires and encourages continued learning; to learn the alphabet (“Alpha - Vita” means “A, B” in Greek…they use the alphabet’s initial letters to denote its existence!), to tack on a bit of grammar, or to simply fascinate about the culture and the significance inherent in its words. This book contains 'vocabulary lists' illustrating those words to be 'recognized' as vocabulary in our native language which is also vocabulary in our second language. From there, we offer a starter’s guide to pronunciation, identify digraphs (Oops…there’s another Greek word!) and other oddities, and how with just an 'accent', just a thought, style, mouth-shape, and bit of emphasis, we can suddenly and without learning anything new, begin to speak another language.
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Please contact Daniel directly for more information regarding this magical language-learning methodology, to join in development and publication of this product, or to become a student. Daniel provides vocabulary and alternate-language ‘Booster Packs’ to students, including “The Schule of Schnitzel”, a German-language learning version of “Etsi Enay”.